The concept of Jesus as both God and man is a central tenet of Christian theology, often misunderstood and debated. To address this, one must consider the exegetical evidence for Jesus being both God and man. This evidence is found throughout the Bible, demonstrating that Jesus experienced genuine human limitations while simultaneously embodying divine attributes.

Jesus chose to take on a genuine human nature and experience human limitations without ceasing to be God. As a man, he experienced hunger, fatigue, and the need to sleep and travel. He grew from a baby to an adult, embodying the full spectrum of human development. However, as God, he remained omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, sustaining the universe while living a human life. The Bible presents these dual aspects of Jesus’ nature as facts without systematically explaining how they coexist.
Philippians 2:5-7 provides critical exegetical evidence for Jesus being both God and man. Paul explains that Jesus, who existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped but emptied himself by taking the form of a servant. This “emptying” refers not to relinquishing divine attributes but to Jesus’ voluntary choice to forgo his exalted status and assume the humble position of a human. Despite this, Jesus’ divine nature remained intact, evidenced by his omniscience and omnipresence.
Instances in the Gospels further support the dual nature of Jesus. For example, in Mark 7:24-30, Jesus casts out a demon from a distance, demonstrating his omnipresence and omnipotence. Similarly, in John 1:45-49, Jesus displays his omniscience by revealing knowledge about Nathaniel that he could not have known through natural means. These examples highlight Jesus’ divine attributes manifesting alongside his human experience.

Jesus’ resurrection further affirms his dual nature. In John 21:17, after his resurrection, Peter acknowledges Jesus’ omniscience, saying, “Lord, you know all things.” This recognition underscores that Jesus’ divine attributes were not diminished by his human experience. The Gospel of John also provides strong evidence for Jesus’ omnipresence. John 3:13 states, “No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man who is in heaven.” This verse indicates that Jesus, while physically on Earth, remained omnipresent as God.

In conclusion, the exegetical evidence for Jesus being both God and man is robust and multifaceted. The Bible consistently portrays Jesus as fully experiencing human limitations while retaining his divine attributes. This dual nature is essential for understanding the Christian doctrine of Jesus as the God-man, who, through his unique nature, bridges the gap between humanity and the divine. This understanding is crucial for a comprehensive grasp of Christian theology and the person of Jesus Christ.