Immerse yourself in learning about creation science with this 7 part Creation seminar from creation authority Dr. Kent Hovind. Download Kent Hovind Creation Seminar and uncover the Big Bang theory; trace the biblical and historic references to the co-existence of dinosaurs and people; learn about the dangers of evolution and even sit in on a question-and-answer seminar! You’ll find your eyes wide open after 17 hours of listening to Kent Hovind’s blend of science and Scripture.

Kent Hovind’s Creation Seminar topics include:

  1. Age of the Earth
  2. The Garden of Eden
  3. Dinosaurs and the Bible
  4. Lies in the Textbooks
  5. The Dangers of Evolution
  6. The Hovind Theory
  7. Questions and Answers

Download Kent Hovind Creation Seminar because this is a must-have for the dedicated Biblical Creationist who also understands that science and Christianity are NOT at odds with each other. The heavens declare the glory of the Lord and also aligns marvelously with the physical attributes that we see with the Universe. Kent Hovind presents a plethora of Creationist topics in clear and well–footnoted, well-researched presentations. The educated, science-background engineer, physicist, botanist, mathematician, micro-biologist, astronomer, etc., has nothing to fear with God’s Word and the Universe we observe and explore and research.

This is something every Christian NEEDS to watch! Growing up learning about evolution ended up pulling us away from God because if evolution was real, then God wasn’t. This seminar, while lengthy is the most important thing you could watch. You learn how evolution isn’t actually real and how the bible actually lays this all out for you. Wouldn’t it be nice to have answers to all the questions people try to use to make you look crazy? Kent Hovind is a brilliant, dedicated God loving man and you will feel truly blessed to have been able to see these. Download Kent Hovind Creation Seminar now.

These resources are strictly meant to educate and help grow in your faith as you dig deeper into the evidences of His Word.

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