After an extensive four-year endeavor, Sight & Sound Theatres proudly introduces “DAVID”—a cutting-edge live experience that utilizes theatrical marvels to immerse audiences in the saga of one of the Bible’s most iconic figures. Renowned for his rise from shepherd to king after vanquishing the formidable Goliath, David’s story takes center stage in this production. Premiering on Sight & Sound’s expansive 300-foot panoramic stage in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, “DAVID” promises an unparalleled spectacle with colossal sets, extraordinary special effects, and original music inspired by the Psalms. A highlight of the show will be the revelation of Goliath, showcasing one of the most intricate special effects ever designed by Sight & Sound.

Katie Miller, Director of Marketing and Communications at Sight & Sound, expressed, “This show will unravel the complexities of who David truly was. We recognize him as a shepherd, a warrior, a poet, and a king. We are thrilled to bring audiences closer to his challenges and victories, allowing them to know the man who is remembered, above all, as a man after God’s own heart.”

These resources are strictly meant to educate and help grow in your faith as you dig deeper into the evidences of His Word.

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