**Unlike a majority of our other articles, we strongly suggest that you watch the video above with regards to the prophetic evidence for the Star of Bethlehem (also known as Messiah Star or Christ Star) as it will truly astound you in a way that our writing cannot!**
In the Gospel of Matthew, the Bible explains a strange star appearing over the location where Jesus Christ came to Earth in Bethlehem, and leading wise men (referred to as the Magi) to find Jesus so they might visit him. People have actually debated what the Star of Bethlehem (also known as Messiah Star or Christ Star) actually was over the many years given that the Bible’s report was written. Some state it was a myth; others say it was a miracle. Still others get it confused with the North Star.
Some people say that the Star of Bethlehem (also known as Messiah Star or Christ Star) is a miracle– either a light that God commanded to appear supernaturally, or a natural astronomical phenomenon that God amazingly triggered to occur at that time in history. Many Bible scholars believe that the Star of Bethlehem (also known as Messiah Star or Christ Star) was a miracle in the sense that God set up parts of His natural creation in space to make an unusual phenomenon take place. God’s reason for doing so, they think, was to create a portent– a prophecy, or sign, that would direct people’s attention to something.
The unusual appearance and behavior of the star have actually influenced people to call it miraculous, however if it’s a miracle, it’s a miracle that can be explained naturally, some believe. If the theory that the Star of Bethlehem (also known as Messiah Star or Christ Star) is an unexplainable miracle is put aside, there are a number of interesting theories that relate the star to a particular celestial event. And often these theories highly inclined towards promoting astronomical phenomena; that is, noticeable motion or positioning of heavenly bodies, as portents.
In The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Geoffrey W. Bromiley blogs about the Star of Bethlehem (also known as Messiah Star or Christ Star) event: “The God of the Bible is the creator of all celestial objects and they attest to Him. He can definitely step in and alter their natural course.”
Given that Psalm 19:1 of the Bible states that “the heavens declare the glory of God” all the time, God might have chosen them to bear witness to His incarnation on Earth in an unique way through the star.
Again, if you have not, please watch the prophetic evidence for the Star of Bethlehem video above. You will be truly amazed!
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