In Drive Thru History – The Holy Land, Dave Stotts embarks on a thrilling adventure that transports him back in time to the pages of the Old Testament. With each step, he journeys alongside the legendary Patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – in a world before the existence of Israel. Delving further, he finds himself amid the awe-inspiring pyramids of Egypt, witnessing the miraculous events of the Exodus unfold before his eyes.

Crossing the Jordan River into the Promised Land, Dave walks the shores of the mysterious Dead Sea and witnesses the catastrophic destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. He then embarks on a challenging hike through the barren desert to reach the historic peak of Masada. Along the way, he witnesses the legendary battle between David and Goliath in the Valley of Elah and explores the haunting ruins of Jericho. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls brings him face-to-face with ancient manuscripts that have withstood the test of time.

But the adventure does not end there. Dave takes a momentous turn into the New Testament, following the footsteps of Jesus Christ. He begins with the unfolding of prophecies foretelling the arrival of the Messiah and investigates the enigmatic Star of Bethlehem that heralded the miraculous birth of Jesus. His journey takes him to numerous sacred destinations, including Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Mount Moriah, the Temple Mount, the Dome of the Rock, the City of David, the Mount of Olives, and the Garden of Gethsemane.

Dave experiences the ministry of Christ firsthand, witnessing his profound teachings and witnessing his fateful crucifixion. The journey reaches its climax with the glorious resurrection of Jesus, an event that forever changed the course of history.

Throughout his incredible odyssey, Dave Stotts brings these ancient stories to life, unraveling their significance and painting a vivid picture of the remarkable events that have shaped the course of human civilization. This riveting journey of faith and discovery is a testament to the enduring power of these biblical narratives and their profound impact on humanity.

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