Practically anywhere you go today, it’s there. Ingrained worry. An uncommunicable sense of anxiety. Worry about the future, pandemic diseases, the financial collapse, off-the-scale natural catastrophes, nuclear weapons falling under the incorrect hands and even the planet. The world today is headed for continuing crisis in the Middle East and most likely here in the house. Nobody understands specifically what form the crisis will take, however as usual, folks will start to ask the huge concerns– Is this the last days? Are we approaching Armageddon? Can we find any genuine explanations? Is there a trustworthy guide to what the future holds? Is there any way for certain to understand what the future holds? Is there a prophetic evidence about tomorrow? Is there any possibility of hope or are all of us doomed?

Modern people are asking matters about the future as never ever in the past. They are solemn concerns; they are browsing concerns. The Bible is definitely the very best source to search for explanations. Lots of scriptural prophecies have actually currently been met with spectacular precision and others are becoming a reality right before our eyes, or at the very least the stage is being set for their fulfillment. Even the most doubtful individual can put these prophecies to the test by keeping in mind the actual, exact fulfillment of previous prophecies. For this reason, scriptural prophetic evidence is being talked about more than ever in the past. In these prophecies it’s possible to probe for ideas to discover where we remain in God’s program and the anticipated occasions that might happen in our life time. Prophecies, which in the past were often dismissed as too unbelievable are now being studied again.
Unlike the so-called “prophets” of the past and today, like Nostradamus and such, Jesus and the Biblical prophets did not proclaim unclear and generic forecasts that could be adapted to any circumstance. The prophecies captured in the Bible are comprehensive and elaborately interwoven and can be found through prophetic evidences throughout time.
The majority of people have actually most likely never ever thought about the reality that more than one-fourth of the Bible was prophetic at the time it was composed. The Bible is a book of prophecy. It includes about one thousand predictions, about five hundred of which have actually currently been fulfilled down to the smallest information. With this sort of tested performance history of one hundred percent precision with five hundred prophecies, we can with confidence trust that the continuing five hundred yet-to-be-fulfilled prophecies will likewise happen at the designated time. Somebody has well-said, “we do not believe in prophecy due to the fact that it’s included in the Bible, however our company believe in the Bible due to the fact that it includes prophecy.” Prophecy is the most trustworthy evidence of the originality and divine motivation of the Bible. Its value can barely be overemphasized. Satisfied prophecy confirms the Bible and all the valuable facts it consists of. Consider it. If hundreds of scriptural predictions have actually been thoroughly, precisely satisfied, then it stands to factor that what the Bible has to state about other things– such as the nature and character of God, production, the nature of guy, redemption, and the presence of paradise and hell– are 100 percent precise. It likewise shows that the Bible’s material is not manufactured however rather has its origins outside our own time-space continuum.
The God of the Bible is so particular that only He can predict the future that He issues a challenge to any counterfeit contenders to His position of supremacy in cosmos. The basis of the test is that solely the true God can precisely anticipate the future. Read what God states about His distinct capability to anticipate the future.
For further reading, we highly recommend Mark Hitchcock’s book,
The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy: What You Need to Know in These Uncertain Times
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- Prophetic Evidence For Mark Twain In The Bible (Deuteronomy 28 & 29)
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- Archeological Evidence For The Bible
- Exegetical Evidence For The Bible
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